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This article showcases our top picks for the best kitchen gadgets for mothers day. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Milk Frother, Miroco Stainless Steel
This product was recommended by Emma Jacquelyn from Emjacquelyn

One of the best kitchen gadgets you can get mom (or MIL) for Mother’s Day is this stainless steam milk steamer. Up your coffee game with this milk steamer that has over 5k 5-star reviews, and is extremely affordable (only $41!)
Yueshico Stainless Steel Watermelon Slicer
This product was recommended by Karen Lee from Things Around the House

I have absolutely fallen in love with this product this Summer. I hated buying pre-cut fruit at the grocery store but hated the waste that would come with cutting it into slices and having to store them in the fridge. With this kitchen gadget, I can slice the watermelon into small cubes and feed them to my children or store in Tupperware to make them last as long as I can. This gadget has actually made me eat healthier as well because – now that it’s so easy to eat watermelon – I fill a bowl with these cubes and snack on them instead of chips or treats. I just love being able to make these cute little cubes on my own!
Merida Electric Wine Opener Kit
This product was recommended by Ethan Lichtenberg from HomeInsuranceRates

Wine can be a huge pain to open depending on the brand. Having an electric wine opener will solve all the issues that go along with opening a fresh bottle. The kit includes a foil cutter, rechargeable batteries, and an innovative pour spout.
Icosa Living Harvest Cheese Knife Kit
This product was recommended by Ethan Lichtenberg from HomeInsuranceRates

Charcuterie is a timeless snack that can be enjoyed at all times of the day. The Harvest Cheese knife kit comes with six knives that feature a beautiful style fit for any home. Thanks to impressive engineering, Mom will enjoy this durable set for a long time to come.
Gold/Silver Stainless Steel Chopstick Set
This product was recommended by Tanya Zhang from Beautiful Chopsticks

Beautiful stainless steel chopsticks are a great addition to the kitchen and are perfect for Mom on Mother’s Day. Share a dinnertime meal on Mom’s special day with beautiful stainless steel chopsticks that are easy to wash, store, and great for eating dishes like sushi, rice, or noodles. A set of 5 chopstick pairs is perfect for Mom and everyone in the family to enjoy and use!
Prepworks by Progressive Adjust-A-Slice Mandoline
This product was recommended by Lindsey Morales from SaltyLemonSister

Every mom needs a Mandoline Slicer for Mother’s Day. It slices with ease, is fast, and produces beautifully even pieces of food. The price is very reasonable with the option to upgrade if you decide that would work best for you. The one major con is easily dealt with by using the plastic guard or a glove. This tool is perfect for my kitchen and is hardly one more thing.” You will be pleased with the results and have fun seeing how quickly your meal comes together when using it.
Copper Water Pitcher
This product was recommended by Jessica Rose from Shantiva

Use a water pitcher that supports the environment while also making your kitchen shine. This copper water pitcher is handmade by artisans using sustainably-sourced copper. It is easy to clean and is built to last a lifetime, avoiding the need for replacement.
NutriChef Vacuum Sealer
This product was recommended by Ligia from The Daring Kitchen

Vacuum sealing your food is one of the best ways to store and preserve food. By extending the life of ingredients and allowing you to buy food in bulk and store it safely helps you save money so it is a gift that will keep on giving year after year.
Ninja Air Fryer
This product was recommended by Ligia from The Daring Kitchen

Air fryers are massively popular because they are a cleaner, healthier way to prepare food at home. So if by chance your foodie friend doesn’t have one already, definitely get them one. You can make a ton of great meals with a crispy, golden texture in this appliance and even use it to reheat pizza better than the microwave. It has a 4-quart ceramic-coated nonstick basket and crisper plate fit 2 pounds of french fries.